
更新时间:2024-04-25 04:32:55 其他读后感

  读完这本书了,Michael Lewis的写作功底了得,总能让读者身临其境。难怪Fischer Black总强调写作能力是最重要的能力之一。



  这本书做好了它该做的事情:把作者在所罗门工作两年的经历用很生动的方式写了出来。可能有夸张的地方,但整体而言是当时交易行业,以及经纪商的一个写实。书中提到的伦理问题现在还是存在,投资银行还是会在自己利益与客户利益冲突时站在自己这一边,牺牲客户利益。书中对交易员的描绘也很准确,交易员的确是一匹鲁莽粗鲁的动物。至于所罗门在债券交易本身的价值上这本书并没有有价值的讨论,毕竟作者过早离开了,我并没有读到传说中的stat arb group

  所罗门残酷自私又精英云集的企业文化在当时以畸形的方式组合在了一起。就算是Emanuel Derman这种等级的债券分析师也进不了所罗门当时的债券研究核心部门。但最终所罗门还是输给了自己,分崩离析被并入Traveller接着是花旗,这个农产品交易公司。

  所罗门的肮脏在作者笔下有一定层次的体现,但所罗门的传奇在作者笔下几乎没有出现。大家可以读读Emanuel Derman的《宽客人生》以及Richard Bookstaber的A Demon of Our Own Design,里面有更加深入的描绘,所罗门真正的智力机器。还有出生于所罗门的长期资产管理,When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long-Term Capital Management


  Finished the Michael Lewis book in a week. It’s actually not the best Michael Lewis book I’ve read to be honest. I like the big short and flash boy much better but it is a very personal and real experience that depicting micahel’s expeirce after graduation and career at Solomon brothers.nnIt’s more like a personal record of the big history and changes in financial landscape in the 1980s. It’s interesting to see how enterprises like Solomon brothers, the departments within them ( mortgage bond department), and the inpiduals within rise and fall with the time. It did sound like a time of chaos and lot of opportunistic opportunities for fast money.nI guess there are a couple do things that left me a deep impression:nn1. The jungle rules us all. Solomon brothers working environment is much more like a jungle where you have to survive and thrive on your own. While you can certainly find jungle guide and mentors, but you need to realize what opportunities to seize to not get fired or close to be a “big swinging dick”nn2. Money may come fast with the things you don’t understand but they go fast as well. Michael painted a very interesting image of Lewis Ranieri, a fat Italian guy from the back office who is obsessed with mortgage bond and incedible market instinct. The cult that is form d surrounding when all things are going up is kinda amazing. But it’s also amazing how fast they got dismentaled. One day lewis is fired from office politics and the other day the whole apartment got sacked.nn3. Wall Street is not as glorious as one may think. It is filled with sheep who follow the herd and mimic what’s the “successful model”. It’s creative when it comes to creating products for new revenue and profit squeezing but not creative when it comes to follow the old practice. It’s amazing how this industry has changed and not throughout the time.nn4. It was a boys’ club, it has been a boys’ club and it will likely still remain a boys’ club. I was honestly irritated by the attitude people treat women and the cultural environment they created that’s just so hard for women to fit in. We need change.nn5. What goes up must come down. The switch between bond vs equity really remind me when Jaimi was like “ I picked equity when everyone was crazy about bonds, but now look who’s laughing”. So it’s really not only about the short term opportunistic profit today but a confident and strong long- term view.nnnOverall a good book as usuall. Thanks Michael Lewis.n

  入行必读-《Liar’s poker》nMichael Lewis是我最钟爱的撰写金融市场方面书籍的职业作家。他早年在华尔街冲浪,所以对金融产品和资本市场的本质,有深刻认识。《说谎者的扑克牌》是他的半自传作品。也是华尔街默认的入行必读。说起华尔街,人们想到的往往是股票市场。其实,债券市场比股票市场大几倍吧。在2009年,就有$82 trillions。更不肖说以债券为标的的衍生资产了。读他的书就象跟某个睿智的同行在聊天(这么说有些抬举自己,可这就是我的感觉!)。读他的书,特别过瘾!是踩在巨人的肩上看街上的声色犬马,喧嚣红尘。读他的第一本书就是这本“Liar’s poker“。是我的Mentor汤姆推荐的。似懂非懂地读完,有些词觉得特别好玩,“大根子”,”基客“ —现在想来真的是看热闹。他擅长通过有血有肉的人物把喧嚣的华尔街和枯燥且复杂的金融产品,深入浅出地展现给读者。把复杂的事情弄懂了并且让别人也懂了是有特大智慧的人。与《大空头》一样,Michael Lewis塑造的人物都是有血有肉,比如有的人物,抽烟前要把过滤嘴拿掉,如何如何。“他当年站在桌子上一边挥舞手臂,一边用最大的音量尖声告诉他们应该怎么干”—感觉就是周围的人呢。他观人入微,又能深入浅出,难怪他的每一本书都是畅销书!n本书的精华是尾声。Lewis在如此年轻的时候,就认清了华尔街,乃至资本市场,真的是有大智慧的人。如果说《Liar’s poker》是入行必读,那么, 且行且学习,是他的其他作品:nMoneyball (2003)nThe Big Short (2010)nFlash Boys (2014)n好书不厌百回读。《people》的评价最是言简意赅:“Often profane,always hilarious, right on the mark”。可惜他的幽默与慧黠在传译中很难原汁原味。看到有些评论说书过于肤浅?试问,如果你对蒸汽机的发明者说,你现今用上了云计算,是不是有些幼稚可笑呢。

标签: 说谎 扑克牌 中信 商业 经典 读后感
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